Oh, hello.
I didn't see you there. Come on in. First, I'd like to introduce myself and my family to those of you who still haven't heard of us. We are the soon-to-be owners of an awesome and LARGE greenhouse business. We are excited. I've been told to please document our transition - likely because people think it will be hilarious. So without further adieu, please take a moment to meet the major players in this narrative.
That basically catches you up to where we are now.
I'll try to update you all when big life events occur. Examples of these might be: building a fence, closing on a house, purchasing a new bucket to scoop poop into (she's talking about dog poop, right?), and seeing a guy sleeping on the neighbor's porch ALL NIGHT LONG. Just to be clear, all of these things happened in the past 48 hours, are currently happening, or will be (fingers crossed) happening in the upcoming 48 hours.
Homework: See if you can correctly match the events above to the moment in time I'm referring to (past, present, or future). Good luck!
Sweaty and squinting,